How to Choose a Sectional

Sectional sofas offer many benefits to a living room, den or family room. A large seating area in a small space is one of the key benefits. With so many options for sectionals on the market today, you can find a sectional to match your style, budget and space. Before you choose a sectional there are a few factors to consider to make sure you get the right size and configuration.


1. Measure your space: Before you start shopping for a sectional, measure the space where you plan to place it. This will give you an idea of what size and shape will fit best.

2. Determine the shape: Sectionals come in many shapes, including L-shaped, U-shaped, and curved. Consider the shape that will best suit your space and needs. You can choose from option for the a section on the left or right too.

Choose Style

3. Consider the style: Sectionals come in a variety of styles, from modern to traditional. Choose a style that complements your existing décor.

4. Choose the fabric: Sectionals come in many different fabrics, including leather, microfiber, and velvet. Consider your lifestyle and preferences when choosing the fabric.

5. Think about the color: Choose a color that complements your existing décor and that you will enjoy for years to come.

6. Check the comfort level: Sit on the sectional and check the comfort level. Make sure it is supportive and comfortable.

Consider Price

7. Consider the price: Sectionals can be expensive, so consider your budget when shopping.

Also read “Choosing a Sectional for Frequent Moves

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